Frequently Asked Questions about Bunny CMS

Why should I consider the higher initial costs of this CMS?

We understand the concern about the initial costs. However, consider the long-term savings from reduced downtime, less dependency on external developers, and increased user retention due to the enhanced features our CMS offers. We've seen clients recoup their initial investment within the first year through increased revenues.

What should I expect during the integration process of this CMS?

It’s natural to worry about integration. Our CMS is engineered to integrate seamlessly with any existing platform. We are prepared to develop any necessary integrations to meet your specific needs.

How customizable is this CMS for specific needs in the adult industry?

Our CMS is highly customizable to fit specific needs, which is crucial in the adult industry. We offer an initial consultation to discuss your unique requirements and follow up with tailored solutions that ensure our CMS aligns perfectly with your business objectives.

How user-friendly is this CMS, and what can be done to facilitate user adoption?

Change can be challenging, but our CMS is user-friendly with an intuitive interface designed for ease of use. We provide comprehensive training and support to ensure your team is confident and productive from day one.

How does the CMS handle data migration from current platform and ensure its security?

Data migration can sometimes be complex, but we have extensive experience migrating from old sites. Typically, we are able to transfer users, subscriptions, and content without any issues. It's worth noting that for our network site package, this service is already included in the cost.

Will I become too dependent on your CMS in the long term?

We are established with over a decade in the industry and are committed to long-term support and development. Our maintenance and upgrade roadmap is transparent, ensuring your investment is protected and your CMS remains cutting-edge.

How does the CMS perform under high traffic conditions?

Performance is paramount, especially in your field. Our CMS is built on robust architecture designed to handle high traffic volumes efficiently. We can share case studies demonstrating how our CMS has successfully supported sites with similar or higher traffic.

What security measures does the CMS incorporate to protect my data?

Security is our top priority. Our CMS includes end-to-end encryption, regular security audits, and compliance with the latest international cybersecurity standards. We provide free updates to ensure your site remains secure against emerging threats. Additionally, we do not store any client payment information on a servers.

Can I trust this CMS given its relatively new market presence?

Our CMS may be relatively new, but our team has over 13 years of experience in the adult industry, leveraging technology that has proven effective and reliable. This depth of experience ensures that our CMS is robust and well-suited to meet the unique demands of the market.

What support can I expect after implementing this CMS?

We provide regular training, a comprehensive knowledge base, and direct access to technical assistance with a responsive time of just 1 hour to ensure your questions are promptly addressed. Additionally, for emergencies, our team is available 24/7 to assist you with any urgent issues.

How to install Bunny CMS?

You don't need to do it yourself. Our tech will setup the CMS to our or to your server. But if you prefer to do all work yourself we will send you detailed instructions how to setup it.

How make custom design templates?

We use blade templates system from Laravel framework. Also we use Bootstrap framework. You can easy change design as you want.
Our support will do it for you if custom design included in your package.

What is a main website?

The main website serves as a parent platform used for managing members and subscriptions, tracking payment statistics, enabling logins to content sites, and managing affiliate programs. The main website itself does not host any content physically; instead, it aggregates content from content sites and presents the results to visitors. For an example, you can visit

What is a content website?

A content website is a site that primarily focuses on hosting and displaying content. It does not have payment functions or login information; instead, all logins are routed through the main website. However, the content website itself offers various functions for managing the content, such as editing, importing, exporting, and more. For an example, you can visit

Can I cancel my account at any time?

Yes, you have the flexibility to cancel your subscription at any time.

Which payment methods do you accept?

Currently, we accept Credit Card recurring payments, PayPal, Bank Wire, and Crypto.

Will my website work after I cancel my subscription with you?

No, your website will no longer function if you choose to cancel your subscription.

Can I reactivate my plan after cancellation?

Absolutely! If you've canceled your plan and later decide to renew your subscription, we would be delighted to assist you again.

How much will it cost to add a custom feature?

The cost depends on the feature. Typically, our prices start at $100 as a one-time fee.

Does your CMS have an affiliate system?

Yes, our product supports affiliates. It's powerful tool for growing your sales.

Can I add third-party partners?

Yes, BunnyCMS provides Affiliates, Webmasters (for network package only), and ViewShare functions. You have the ability to manage your partners and monitor their sales directly from the admin panel.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to

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