Demo of Network made on BunnyCMS

Main Site

Member login

  • Username: DemoMember
  • Password: DemoMember

Admin panel on the main website

  • Username: admin_demo
  • Password: admin_demo_pwd

* by security reasons admin available only from white-listed IPs. Demo admin panel available from all IPs.

Content site

Free section

This section available for all users and google crawler.

Members section

This section give full access to all content. Available for members only.

  • Username: DemoMember
  • Password: DemoMember

You can use automatic login scripts from main site. Just login as member to the main site and click to content or link to site.

Admin of content site

By security reasons admin available only from members section.

  1. login to member content site:
    • Username: DemoMember
    • Password: DemoMember
  2. login to admin panel:
    • Username:
    • Password: demo_content_pwd

Some function like video edit, quality, sync content with main site change need some time to convert and not works in demo. Our script restore demo sites from backup every 15 minutes (at :00, :15, :30, :45). So some your changes will be lost.

Affiliate & ViewShare

Affiliate System:

Log in with a demo affiliate account to explore our affiliate panel via the following link:

  • Username: AffiliateDemo
  • Password: AffiliateDemoPwd

ViewShare System:

Log in with a demo content provider account to explore our ViewShare panel via this link:

  • Username: VshareDemo
  • Password: VshareDemoPwd

Check demo of BunnyCMS